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For: Girls, ages 5 to 12, who want to rule the world
Issue 31 Highlights: Unleash your power with an A-to-Z guide to making noise, being your amazing self, and having fun; get a drawing lesson from artist Shantell Martin; find out what girls have in common with lightning from physicist Julia Tilles, Ph.D.; build your own magical flying girl toy; meet some cute—and surprisingly powerful—animals alongside axolotl researcher Kate McCusker, Ph.D.; read a comic about a girl who became the world's fastest runner by Marvel's Alitha E. Martinez; make the most amazing granola you've ever had with Early Bird Foods founder Nekisia Davis; enjoy a sweet short story about a kid who must unexpectedly face her fear; and make your way through a maze and get some important advice from Vice President Kamala Harris. Plus! A secret code, a word search, a search-and-find, a huge color-by-number, a free tear-out poster, and more!
Issue 31 Short Story Contributor: Lynne Kelly, American Sign Language interpreter and author of Song for a Whale, Chained, and the forthcoming The Secret Language of Birds
Cover Art: Alice Hoffman
Cover Lettering: Dana Christopherson
Specs: 64 full-color pages